Video Game Music Releases June 2022

July 25, 2022 Back to Blog

Here is the June 2022 G4F Records article on video game music releases. Enjoy!

This is a non-exhaustive list without any classification hierarchy. We invite you to discover new video game music releases that will brighten up your day! 🙂

Summer is here, and the sun is bringing the heat! Let’s see if the video game music releases are as well!

Souldiers, A Retro Aesthetic

Souldiers - Video Game Music Releases: June 2022 - G4F Records
Cross the lands of Terragaya accompanied by the music of Will Savino.

Composer: Will Savino

Souldiers is a Metroidvania with a retro aesthetic. The Spanish studio, Retro Forge, has developed an intense first game with combat phases that will remind you of the Souls series!

While you carry out your mission with your companions and your general, a landslide occurs and you all find yourselves buried under the rocks. It’s at this moment that a Valkyrie appears and suggests you follow her because your destiny doesn’t seem to end here… It’s up to you to find out what happens next!

Souldiers - Valkirye first meeting - Video Game Music Releases: June 2022 - G4F Records
Valkyrie meets the squad

In order to put this project to music, Studio Forge opted for the composer and sound designer Will Savino. This American artist has produced a soundtrack that perfectly matches the retro side of the game.

His music has the gift of bringing us back decades. Will Savino has composed an album that makes us pretty nostalgic. Flashbacks to our first games on Game Boy with the famous Zelda game license come to mind.

Throughout the adventure, Will Savino knows how to cradle us, motivate us and soothe us. His music supports every moment throughout the game, whether it be the battles, the quiet moments or even the more humorous ones. Our favorite track is the main theme song, “The Pride of Zarga”, which hits the mark as soon as you get to the menu.

The album is available in a dematerialized version on Steam but also on Will Savino’s Bandcamp page.

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course, That Same Recipe We Love

Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course - Souldiers -Video Game Music Releases: June 2022 - G4F Records
*Jazz music starts

Composer: Kristofer Maddigan

“[…]It’s the delicious last course
Oh the delicious last course
One can eat their fill
And still stay until
The delicious last course![…]”

The Delicious Last Course
Kristofer Maddigan

Complicated to miss this masterpiece in the world of video game music that is Cuphead! And yes, this June 30, 2022 was the release of DLC: The Delicious Last Course. We’re happy to say that Studio MDHR made a name for itself at the Game Awards 2021 with this sublime interpretation of the main theme song of the same name – Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course.

However, there is also a version of the music video where we can watch all the artists at work in the middle of a recording session. You can also see the Inkwell Isles Philharmonic Orchestra there. Thanks to Studio MDHR for showing us all these talented humans live in this great video.

That Same Recipe We Love

Why change the recipe if we love the ingredients? The music of The Last Course DLC uses key elements from the game Cuphead. That’s to say, a mix of jazz and ragtime for a very 20s-30s aesthetic. The songs were only played with real instruments and real voices (no synthesizers here).

Kristofer Maddigan‘s desire is to respect the ways of the years in which the game draws its inspiration. Apparently, back then they didn’t have all these electronic instruments that we have now! It’s therefore a masterstroke to achieve such a feat for a video game soundtrack.

In general, Studio MDHR has, from the beginning, given music an important place in Cuphead. Just check out the many videos devoted to it on their YouTube channel!

The entire album is excellent but we do have a favorite. It’s the High-Noon-Hoopla song with yodeling at the end of the song. Amazing!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutrles – Shredder’s Revenge, Tee Lopes & Beat’em up

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge - Video Game Music Releases: June 2022 - G4F Records
The head gets bouncing to this edgy soundtrack!

Composer: Tee Lopes

Back to childhood with the new game produced by Tribute Game and distributed by Dotemu: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Shredder’s Revenge. As you can see, this beat’em up takes place in the universe of TMNT, so we’ll have the chance to embody Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo or even Raphael! (We’ll let you look for the respective colors of each 😉).

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge' - Video Game Music Releases: June 2022 - G4F Records
Pizza, Fight and Music
Tee Lopes & Beat’em up

It is with great pleasure that we find Tee Lopes on the soundtrack of this project! We’ve already talked about this artist for his work on a soundtrack for another game from the Dotemu Stables: Streets Of Rage 4 – Mr. X Nightmare. Definitely, another beat ’em up! Also, if you’ve read the June 2021 article, there’s no shortage of praise for the tremendous compositional work this artist has done.

It’s the same thing this time around. We find the crazy energy of Tee Lopes who manages to mix several musical genres, even if we can hear a big hip-hop influence. Besides, we can only notice and welcome the presence of the song, “Raekwon, Ghostface Killah – We Ain’t Came to Lose“! Seriously, Wu-Tang? Thank you for this pleasant surprise!

Our favorite comes back to the song, “A Few Screws Loose“. A few 80’s tom fills and our heart races.

You can get vinyl and CD editions of the album on the Kid Katana Records website.

Neon White, The Famous Machine Girl Duo

Neon White - Video Game Music Releases: June 2022 - G4F Records
A frantic rhythm on this incredible album.

Composers: Machine Girl

If the previous game seemed quite energetic in terms of gameplay, then Neon White is on a whole different level. Well, it’s not the same thing either. Here we have a FPS which wants to be super energetic and fast. Developed by Angel Matrix and published by Annapurna Interactive, Neon White kicked off with excellent reviews.

The plot of the game takes place in heaven. But beware, it’s invaded by demons and you have been called to come and exterminate them. Freshly landed from hell, you’ll have to face other demon slayers in order to have a chance to stay in heaven. We won’t tell you more, it’s up to you to discover the game to see what it’s all about!

Neon White - Video Game Music Releases: June 2022 - G4F Records
The Famous Machine Girl Duo

Let’s not say too much but let’s talk about music! The least we can say is that the rhythm is quite steady on Neon White‘s album! At least in particular with Part 1 titled on Spotify: Neon White Soundtrack Part 1 “The Wicked Heart”.

At the same time, nothing surprising in that, given the names behind the album. Neon White‘s soundtrack was composed by the duo, Machine Girl! Operating in the fairly underground genres of breakcore and jungle (mainly), it’s very interesting to find this duo behind the soundtrack of a video game. Moreover, this is their first appearance in the world of video game music.

In short, Machine Girl is a project created by Matt Stephenson in 2013 which later became a duo when percussionist Sean Kelly joined the adventure. Complicated to place Machine Girl in a precise musical current. It’s certainly electronic music but it remains very vague. In any case, it’s fast, colorful, sometimes dark, there are nuances of punk, hardcore techno and so on.

On Neon White‘s album, they kept their artistic touch while appropriating the codes of video games. The music is worth listening to. Our favorite is the track, “Thousand Pound Butterfly“. Perfect for your next rave!

We end this June 2022 article on video game music releases with Neon White. See you soon for a next edition! 🙂

Thank you all!